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News 2014

21st December 2014

Christmas video added to the site today. Merry Christmas from The Gramophone Collector.


6th December 2014

Another Columbia Grafonola video clip added to the site today.


5th December 2014

It's interesting how your musical tastes can change over time and lately I've found that I'm attracted to early, acoustic recordings from the late teens and early 1920's. Many of these are performances of popular music which were right on the cusp between ragtime and early jazz. Also found among some recent record purchases was an October 1922 recording of Arnold Johnson & His Orchestra playing "You remind me of my mother". Today I filmed a video clip of it playing on my Columbia Grafonola which can be found here.


29th November 2014

Nothing much to report lately although I do still keep picking up needle tins and records along the way. In amongst some recent record purchases was a smoking-hot recording of "That Da Da Strain" by George Brunis & His Jazz Band which I've recorded playing on my HMV Model 97B. You can see the video here.


11th November 2014

New HMV-110 video clip added.


10th November 2014

New Senior Monarch video clip added.


30th October 2014

Funny thought of the day ... A few months ago I was challenged via email by the 'gramophone police' who like to patrol the internet. I was told that I shouldn't be playing 78rpm records on wind-up gramophones anymore because they're valuable and rare. I chuckled to myself this evening when I noticed that there are 45,506 listings for 78 records on eBay UK alone! Just saying ...


28th October 2014

Not much to report at the moment although I have just purchased another frontwind HMV101 which, although a bit tatty, was advertised very cheaply. I'll probably give this one a light restoration and then sell it on.


10th October 2014

Just when you think that everything is under control and you’ve caught up with all those little jobs fate can suddenly find something to throw at you. Having had the outside casework of the HMV 110 French polished and (seemingly) attended to all of the mechanical issues I settled down to enjoy it - I even filmed a video clip for youtube. My only slight concern was how long it would run on a full wind and, although it had improved during the last week-or-so, I’d convinced myself that one of the springs was not running right - probably caked-up with hardened old grease. WRONG!


On Tuesday morning I set about stripping down the motor and removing the springs from the barrel with the intention of cleaning and re-greasing them. Imagine how surprised I was (peeved even - choice language came into play!) to discover that one of the springs was broken, clearly explaining why it had only taken around 25-30 winds. Still, no panic, a quick visit to the interweb had a replacement spring in the post so I cleaned up the spring barrel and associated parts together with the remaining good spring.


Thursday lunchtime saw a timely visit from the postman and within an hour my latest addition was back to full health, now taking 50+ turns for a full wind and playing 3-4 10” sides. Never a dull day! I’ve posted a series of photos here of the spring replacement.


6th October 2014

A new HMV110 video clip has been added today.


3rd October 2014

After some minor interruptions along the way I have finally managed to get the HMV Model 110 home from the French polishers and reassembled. Today I've photographed it and added it to the collection page.


16th September 2014

The French polisher has just finished the casework on the HMV110 and matching cabinet. I know it looks quite dark but he's actually used the original internal colour as a pattern and it matches beautifully. I'll look forward to finding some time later this week to reassemble it.


15th September 2014

Last month I reported that I had purchased a quantity of Bob Crosby records and yesterday I added a new video clip of my Columbia Grafonola playing 'A Precious Memory'.


4th September 2014

Nothing to report on the HMV110 at the moment as the polisher is away on holiday this week so work will resume when he returns on Monday. I'll post more updates or pictures when available.


2nd September 2014

New Colibri clip added to the videos page.


29th August 2014

Colibri portable added to collection page.


26th August 2014

A  couple of visits to the French polisher have allowed me to photograph the restoration of the HMV110 as a work in progress. See pictures of the progress here.


19th August 2014

The HMV110 has been completely disassembled and the case and record cabinet are already with the French polisher. Whilst they're away I'll clean and check all of the internal parts and fittings, and also adjust and lubricate the motor. More updates to come. 


18th August 2014

Sunday was a busy day out involving a 280 mile round trip to collect a new purchase from Nottingham. This is a HMV Model 110 table grand dating from 1924/25 which is in an oak case complete with matching record cabinet. This had apparently been in the seller's family from new and is, fortunately,  completely original & untouched. Normally you have to contend with non-original fittings such as sound boxes or winding handles, swapped motors leaving redundant/filled holes in the motor board or just missing, odd and chewed-up screws. Not in this instance! The outside casework (of both gramophone and record cabinet) is typically worn and needs to be repaired and re-polished but the inside has survived amazingly well and should respond to a good clean and a bit of metal polish. 


15th August 2014

There haven't been any new machines added to the collection for a while . . yet . . (watch this space) but I have been on a bit of a record buying spree over the last couple of weeks with 35+ new discs including a quantity of USA Decca's, mostly Bob Crosby but some Jimmy Dorsey too. I'll look forward to checking them and adding them to my database this week.


14th August 2014

'Fake Gramophones' page added to website.


22nd July 2014

Last week I said that I must try to find time to film a video clip of my Columbia 113a. I've just realised that I'd already done it but forgotten to add the link to the videos page . . so here it is.


16th July 2014

It's been a month since I last added any updates to the site ( I really don't know where the time goes) although much still goes on. I have found time recently to record a new video clip using one of my HMV101's which has been added to the videos page. The machines all get plenty of regular use and servicing and I still add records and associated accessories to my collection. No major news to report as far as the gramophones themselves are concerned although when I bought my G&T Senior Monarch I briefly considered having the nickel re-plated as it is all pretty worn. In the end I decided not to bother, one reason being that the winding handle which came with it was not the correct style. These early, internal threaded handles are pretty hard to find but I'm glad to report that, although its taken me quite a while to track one down, I recently managed to find a replacement. So now its back to my original dilemma - now that I have all the correct parts do I get them re-plated or not? Watch this space. I must also try to find time for a clip of my Columbia 113a


17th June 2014

Today I've added a new video clip showing a demonstration of a 'Core' record repeater in use on my G&T New Victor.


16th May 2014

Today I managed to add my latest acquisition, the Columbia 113a, to the collection page and to the photos page.


5th May 2014

New HMV 157 video clips added. Joe Daniels 'Dinah' and 'I Ain't Got Nobody'.


1st May 2014

I've managed to find a bit of time this week to record 2 new video clips on the Monarch Senior. The first is 'Pop Goes Your Heart' and the second is 'Day In, Day Out' both played by Harry Leader & His Band. As explained in the video descriptions, this record is badly cracked (on the verge of breaking completely) so I decided to record these wonderful performances before they're gone.


14th April 2014

I don't actually have much to report at the moment but thought it was about time I added an update. With spring having arrived DIY season has taken over for a while and this looks set to continue for the next couple of weeks at least, although I did find time to rebuild the Exhibition soundbox off the New Victor with new gaskets and mica diaphragm. There are no new machines to report although there always seems to be a fresh supply of records and needle tins and I've just bought a wonderful cabinet to display the tins better. At the same time I've put up more heavy duty shelves in the gramophone room for storing machines and records. When I get some spare time (lol) I suspect the next task will be to look at the Victor Model R as the spring is very weak and almost certainly needs replacing so that looks like it will be my next major job. I'm also hoping to add new video clips as and when I can.


24th March 2014

New Edison Gem Phonograph video clip added.


26th February 2014

Another day off today and I've managed to post 3 new video clips in the last 24 hours! I've added a clip of the red Columbia 9000 and also two clips of the Decca 120 with the Sid Phillips Band playind 'Tiger Rag' and 'Sister Kate'. These are the first clips of the Decca that I've managed to film since replacing the broken spring a few weeks ago so it's nice to have this machine back in working order.


24th February 2014

Had an extra day off work today and managed to add a new video clip showing the newly restored Edison Gem cylinder phonograph in action.


21st February 2014

I've been busy with other musical commitments over recent weeks but now that they are finally out of the way I can get back to my collection and start posting some new video clips. Today I've added the Columbia 9000 and the Edison Gem Phonograph to the collection page.


24th January 2014

I’ve always claimed that I’m not interested in cylinder phonographs so it may come as a surprise that I’ve just bought one. It certainly came as a surprise to me (it was even more of a surprise to ‘she who must be obeyed’) but I couldn’t resist the temptation of owning one of these fascinating devices any longer. I’ve managed to find a cheap Edison Gem and a small selection of 2 minute cylinders. The machine is cosmetically a little scruffy around the edges (it is 111 years old after all) but mechanically complete so I’ll tidy it up as best I can and make sure that its running ok before adding details and pictures to the site.


20th January 2014

Gramophone & Typewriter Senior Monarch video clip added.


19th January 2014

Well, its been over a month since I last added any news items so I thought it was probably time for a catch up. Other than enjoying listening to my machines I've not had any technical issues to deal with but over the Christmas and New Year period I have managed to add to my collection of 78rpm records and needle tins. I haven't yet managed to post any video clips of the re-sprung Decca 120 so I must try to get around to that. The big news, however, is that I've managed to add another gramophone in the shape of a lovely red Columbia 9000. I'm in the process of cleaning and servicing this at the moment and will be adding details and pictures in the next few days.




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