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News 2015

8th December 2015

I've just managed to find a bit of spare time recently to record a video clip of my New Victor playing 'Granny, You're My Mammy's Mammy' performed by the Club Royal Orchestra - complete with it's replacement sound-box. Will need to do the same with the HMV Model 58 now!


3rd December 2015

In my previous news posting about the HMV Model 58 I mentioned swapping soundboxes so I thought I would take some time to elaborate a little further. The Gramophone Co. (HMV) In England didn't start producing their own Exhibition soundboxes until 1918. Prior to this date all soundboxes had been imported from the USA - usually still branded as 'The Gramophone Co.' but clearly marked 'Made In USA'. When I bought my G&T New Victor a few years ago it came with a 'His Master's Voice - Made In England' Exhibition soundbox which is clearly much later than the 1905-1907 date of the machine, but I didn't bother to change it at the time. However, when the 1922 Model 58 arrived without a soundbox it seemed like a good opportunity so the later, English box was fitted to the Model 58 which left the New Victor in need of a suitable replacement. Fortunately I've obtained a lovely USA Exhibition (albeit a Victor) from Walt Sommers (Gettysburg Antique Phonographs) which has just been rebuilt by him to his usual excellent standard. Job done!   


19th November 2015

It's been a little while since there was anything to report on new machines (mostly through a growing lack of space) but I recently acquired a HMV Model 58 hornless. This was in the usual dirty/scruffy condition requiring some work on the cabinet but it appeared to be original, untouched and complete with the exception of being minus its soundbox. The casework has been cleaned and repaired where necessary and the metalwork has been cleaned and polished, the motor lubricated & adjusted and the turntable felt replaced. It has now been paired with the correct style of British built 'Exhibition' soundbox which had previously been incorrectly fitted to another of my machines (the G&T New Victor) and today I've added the HMV-58 to the collection and photos pages. 


4th November 2015

Two new video clips added recently: 'Royal Garden Blues' played by Ted Lewis And His Band on my standard HMV102, and 'Little Suit of Blue' sung by Byron G. Harlan playing on my Edison Gem Phonograph.


22nd September 2015

Not much has happened recently and there are no major issues to report but I still keep picking up records when I get the chance. Among some recent purchases was a Red Nichols recording of 'Nobody Knows' on the Brunswick label. I've added a video clip of it playing on my restored Selecta portable.


27th August 2015

It seems like quite a while since I posted any news or added anything to the site. The summer months have been very busy as usual but I've managed to find time to carry out some routine maintenance on several machines - the leather pads on the governors tend to run dry and need to be kept well oiled and other parts of the mechanism will need re-greasing from time-to-time. I was also checking through some recent record purchases last night and though that its about time I uploaded some new videos so will try to find time over the next week.  


17th July 2015

2 new video clips have recently been added to the site, Columbia 9000 and Columbia 113a.


30th June 2015

New Senior Monarch video clip added today. 'Peggy' performed by The London Dance Orchestra.


27th April 2015

New video clip added to the website today. Thorens Excelda playing 'Honey' performed by Ben Selvin & His Orchestra.


12th April 2015

Thorens Excelda cameraphone added to the collection and photos pages today.


6th April 2015

Just a few small, routine maintenance jobs for the Easter Bank Holiday weekend. When I acquired my HMV110 last year it was fitted with a very nice N°2 soundbox which I assume is original. I do, however, have a soft spot for the early, all-brass N°4's and was fortunate enough to pick up another a couple of months ago at a reasonable price. At the same time I ordered a rebuild kit and new mounting rubber from Walt Sommers in Pennsylvania and so today I've finally been able to spend a little time rebuilding it with new diaphragm, gasket and mounting rubber for use on the HMV110. I will, of course, always keep the N°2 with this machine as its original soundbox! At the same time I've also replaced the brake leathers on the 110 & 157 as they were almost worn out.  


31st March 2015

A new Gilbert Geisha video clip added today. I decided that this is another machine that hasn't seen enough use lately so here it is playing an early recording by Arthur Pryor's Band.


15th March 2015

Changes made to the Salon Decca 120 photo album.


9th March 2015

Another new video clip has been added to the website today. This is another of my attempts to demonstrate vintage records playing on appropriate machines. The recording of "I'll Dance Till De Sun Breaks Through" dates from c.1913 and the Zonophone Model 1 is a little younger at 1919/20. Remember that this disc is over 100 years old!


2nd March 2015

New Decca Model 10 video clip added.


9th February 2015

Sternogem portable video clip added.


6th February 2015

Maroon Decca Model 10 added to collection and photos pages.


3rd Februaury 2015

Following the receipt of more details the description of the Decca Model 120 on the collection page has been updated. Many thanks to Philip Gordon-Booth for the information.


31st January 2015

I've just taken delivery of another recent eBay purchase; a 1930’s Decca 10 portable in a maroon case. By the end of the 1940s the era of the acoustic gramophone had come to an end in most developed countries and, as they gave way to electric machines, wind-up gramophones were relegated to sheds, garages and attics. Because of this the pattern of preservation of these machines is often very similar with the outside of the case being dirty, worn or damaged but the inside surviving fairly well. This is exactly the condition of this new Decca 10 which will receive the usual treatment of cleaning, servicing and adjustments before being added to the collection.


17th January 2015

Sternogem portable added to photos page.


17th January 2015

Sternogem portable added to collection page.



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