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News 2023

3rd May 2023

It's only taken a couple of weeks and I've managed to find a replacement record carrying tray for the HMV model 94. These always seemed to go missing over the years so it's quite typical to pick up a machine that doesn't have one. It was purchased on Ebay and is good condition with the exception of the moth-eaten felts. These have now been replaced but, what should've been a simple job was made a lot more complicated by somebody previously re-gluing them with modern, impact type adhesive - terrible stuff to try to remove! I've also posted a YouTube clip of this machine playing a recording by Glenn Miller.


3rd April 2023

Today I've added the recently acquired HMV Model 94 to the collection and photos pages.


1st April 2023

It's been over a year since my last update - which is far too long so I thought we'd have a quick catch up! Thanks to Gumtree, Ebay and our Great British network of secondhand shops I'm still adding to my collection of records, needle tins and gramophone memorabilia. I'd not acquired any new machines for around 4 years - mainly because of a lack of room to store them all - but recently picked up a 1938 HMV model 94 portable which I'll be adding to the website soon. With summer heading our way it will also be a good opportunity to do some spring cleaning and maintenance in the gramophone room. NEW YEARS RESOLUTION #1009 - Must try to update website more regularly!



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